The Price of Gold…

The Rich Will Be Poorer And The Poor Will Be Richer… The statement is referred to often by many religious people and gives credence to their thirst for gold as a way of saying that because they are on the side of holiness and goodness they have been blessed with riches.  Those who struggle under […]

The Esoteric Meaning of Christmas…

In the American Indian story of birth they say a baby is born in nine months and ten moons… In this story is described the first and the second birth… The day we celebrate as the birth of Jesus, 25th of December, falls in the sign of Capricorn, the tenth month of the zodiacal calendar […]

Summer Solstice, Grand Cross and Isis Unveiled!

Many might be asking…what are the ancient mysteries anyway?  Well, this is a body of knowledge that has existed for centuries and, it might be accurate to say, since the beginning of time.  It  is informed by such Masters of Wisdom as Jesus whom we call the Christ, Buddhah, Loa-Tse, Hermes, Thoth, Quetzacoatl, Saint Germaine, […]