Consciousness and not gender determines rulership and power…

There is a spiritual law that states: The lesser can never rule the greater…and this is of course referring to consciousness… We see what happens when a lesser consciousness rules the world…poverty, illiteracy, disease, war, pain and death ensues…

However, this is changing, and changing fast…

Women can hasten this global transformation by allowing their creative imagination and feminine power to find expression, first personally and then on behalf of your brothers and sisters in every land…

Men or women must dare not to be subordinate any longer to a lesser consciousness…

When we move away from the emotional aspect of this concept that Paul asserted “Women must submit to their husbands…” and contemplate the issue from a place of pure reason, it becomes clear that Jesus as a “Christ”…a being who has attained the highest level of spiritual achievement possible and knows what love means…it is that individual who is in a position to rule over the “church”…the cells of his own body, or the masses of humanity because he has the consciousness to do so…

Commonsense is the hallmark of an enlightened soul…

We are expected as we grow emotionally and mentally to begin to make “meaning” of our life experiences, and in this age it is critical that we begin to analyze, and evaluate what it is that we are accepting as fact…not because Paul or even Jesus who said it but because you can verify it from your experience and knowledge, and that it makes sense and that it works…

We are no longer children, we do have the capacity to do this and we must also now give ourselves permission to operate as intelligent individuals able to function independently of a “parent” figure, whomever or whatever that parent figure symbolizes…

Both sexes have been educated and socialized to believe things that are not true and make no sense…

Humanity in large part has developed enough of a capacity, mentally and emotionally to begin to think for himself.  The Masculine and the Feminine are two aspects of the One Reality…and one aspect is not in subordination to the other, since a “Christed Being” is in complete ONENESS.

This thinking of subordination is what has kept the world from progressing and disallows the wisdom that women have to bring to the world to be useful in healing the many disastrous situations that have been created largely by these so-called enlightened men who women are supposed subordinated themselves to…

Women have lost their Voices and their Power because of the symbolic “Pot of Soup”as we may remember from the Essau and Jacob story.  Essau gave away symbolically something far more valuable and lasting, his soul, for the temporary urge to satisfy his physical needs of humger and security…

That is the constant struggle between Spirit and Matter.  Man will come to know he needs and can  have both…

But even now when women are able to provide their own “Pots of Soup” they are so psychologically programmed, they are having difficulty extricating themselves from the bondage of ignorance regarding this…

As long as women continue to deceive themselves we have a world which languishes in pain and poverty…

Whoever is the one who is most conscious is always the one in charge, and not the one with the most material possessions or is of the male gender… this is a spiritual law… This is what is meant the “Christ” being the “head”…

The one with the consciousness of ONENESS or is the closest in manifesting that ONESNESS is ALWAYS the one in charge…even when it does not appear to be so based on man’s limited understanding of what true power is …and has nothing to do with gender!!!

The ability to de-code this most esoteric/occult book “The Bible” will take place in the Aquarian Age because we are now adult enough to do so…

Jesus said, when you are a child, you think as a child, but when you become a man (adult… mentally and emotionally) you put away childish things…

It is now time to grow up, and fast!!! The Divine Mother— the Comforter—The Holy Spirit  who Humanity  has been waiting for is now here and SHE cannot accomplish the work for Humanity if women refuse to break free from their mental bondage so they can help to change the world…

However, they must first liberate themselves…

What women do not realize is that men are wonderful beings who are in the same mental and emotional bondage as they are but we need the one who is most conscious to end the illusions of superiority and inferiority whether it relates to race, gender or class so everyone can be free to live a robust life of truth and integrity…

Then we together, men and women can accomplish the task of the liberation of Humanity…

Time is running out…

The fundamentalists have done a great dis-service to mankind…and I speak about all three major religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism…

Holding on to their out-worn, out-moded, erroneous ways of thinking…

In the main, it is because the women in all of three religions have been silenced and have been subordinated to their men…

Contrary to the seeming rise in power of these fundamentalist groups who display the lesser aspects of the Piscean Age characterized by: “Religious fanaticism, Paternalism, War, War Mongering, Materialism, and Separation… these aspects are passing out and are experiencing their last death gasp…

That is why they seem so strong and vibrant but that too is an illusion…

Anyone who is familiar with the death process understands this…

Nothing wants to die…

The Age of Aquarius is here and war WILL end on this planet and we WILL have the PEACE that is promised, because we will make it happen…

This will become a reality here in the Age of PEACE! The Feminine is the Third Person of the Trinity…GOD the FATHER—GOD THE SON—GOD THE MOTHER…SHE is the HOLY SPIRIT and is not subordinate to the FATHER and could never be or the world would cease to exist…

They are ONE…

And it is this ONENESS that allows life to exist and to be maintained…

One must be able to make the proper interpretations of what one reads, that is the reason for the advancement in education, needed to develop the ability to reason and to make proper meaning…

We thank the men and the women around the global who have fought and died to end this distorted thinking regarding the subordination of women to men…

The Divinity in me salutes the Divinity in YOU!!!


A must read is: “Unveiling the Secrets of the Feminine Principle” at

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