The Riddle of the Sphinx…

The Sphinx is the propounder of the eternal riddle, the answer to which is “Man”. All the Masters of Wisdom know, Man is the great mystery to be solved…. One of the symbols of The Age of Aquarius is that of the Sphinx with the head of a human and the body of a lion. […]

The Price of Gold…

The Rich Will Be Poorer And The Poor Will Be Richer… The statement is referred to often by many religious people and gives credence to their thirst for gold as a way of saying that because they are on the side of holiness and goodness they have been blessed with riches.  Those who struggle under […]

The Esoteric Meaning of Christmas…

In the American Indian story of birth they say a baby is born in nine months and ten moons… In this story is described the first and the second birth… The day we celebrate as the birth of Jesus, 25th of December, falls in the sign of Capricorn, the tenth month of the zodiacal calendar […]

America Will Bend But Will Never Break…

The country is at a crisis point and this too is what the passage toward enlightenment looks like and for which this country was created to provide as a symbol to the world. The pairs of opposites must be reconciled and the middle path must be achieved That is the only path to enlightenment… As […]

What is Truth…

What Is Truth… Many seem so convinced of their truth and become incensed when others do not agree with them… They think they are absolutely correct… There is an old axiom which reads: “Nothing is ever what it appears to be…” One is also only able to see what he/she has evolved the capacity to […]

The Star Sirius…

The Star, Sirius… Centuries ago when it seemed the arcane knowledge would be obliterated from the face of the earth, the world’s most renowned sages gathered in Fez, Morocco to create pictorial images to conceal the ancient wisdom teachings from those who sought to permanently erase them.  They knew this most important information needed for […]

The Path to Jerusalem through the Desert…

The Path to Jerusalem through the Desert… The Fama Fraternatis, a German Manifesto written in 1610 in Europe, tells the story of a German lad of five years of age on his journey to Spiritual Jerusalem, a city known as the Abode of Peace where separation ends… This lad is symbolic of mankind who embarked […]

The Three Abrahamic Religions…

The Three Abrahamic Religions… Judaism, Islam and Christianity described as the three Abrahamic religions are symbolic of the three strains of humanity and of the three candidates in the Masonic Legend who approach the Gates of Initiation with their bags of gold to offer as their gifts to the Lord in exchange for eternal peace.  […]

The Black Lodge…

The Black Lodge… I form the Light and create Darkness. I make Peace and create Evil. I the Lord do all these things. Isaiah 45: 5, 6, 7(KJV) Just about everyone is happy to talk about the Light but no one wants to talk about Darkness.  However, without an understanding of Darkness one cannot walk […]

The Ancient Destiny of America, Egypt, Akhanaton and the Floating Capstone…

The Floating Capstone… Two hundred and thirty-four years ago the United States of America was born as the  land described by those who laid down the foundation  for this country as: “A light to the world”!   This country is the prototype of the vision held in the mind of the Divine not only for the people […]