The Law of Attraction…
I felt compelled to add my voice to the much written and talked about “Law of Attraction.” It appears many are just delighted to know that a law exists that allows all their desires to come into their lives with the right focus! Based on the scientific premise of the law, we know that is […]
The Floating Capstone…
As a tribute to the United States of America on its two hundred and thirty-four years of being the land described by those who laid down the foundation for the country: “A light to the world”! This country is the prototype of the vision held in the mind of the Divine not only for the people […]
Summer Solstice, Grand Cross and Isis Unveiled!
Many might be asking…what are the ancient mysteries anyway? Well, this is a body of knowledge that has existed for centuries and, it might be accurate to say, since the beginning of time. It is informed by such Masters of Wisdom as Jesus whom we call the Christ, Buddhah, Loa-Tse, Hermes, Thoth, Quetzacoatl, Saint Germaine, […]
Crisis in the Gulf…
We are told by the ageless wisdom teachers that ALL crises are created by Saturn( Chronos, The Mother, The Law Giver, Father Time, The Lord of Karma… The Celestial Teacher and Task Master) who says only when we evolve the capacity to formulate the right questions will we be able to get the right answers. […]