The dissolution of form is a fundamental element of the cosmic process.
All things change.
All conditions pass away.
No form ever remains permanent…
Existence is a stream, a series of waves, eternal movement.
The irrational desire for permanence and the desire for crystallization must end.
Life and death are bound up together and the terms death and limitation are synonymous.
We live in a fluid universe and, in order to bring to completion the Great Work to which we are all called, mankind must grasp the alchemical truth: death, or dissolution, is the secret of the Great Work.
The Great Work or Alchemy is the process which transmutes base metal into gold; within humans it’s the process that raises humankind from human to God-Man.
The dissolution of the physical body is a necessary and beneficial manifestation of life and is not the cessation of self-conscious existence. Death of the physical is therefore not evil as is understood by the unenlightened who feel it is the last enemy to be conquered. When correctly understood, however, the very forces that lead to physical death are the same that will bring the individual into the consciousness of eternal life.
When an entity chooses to incarnate on the plane of matter, he takes on a garment of flesh, which creates limitation and brings about a death to his previous life. That death in turn brings about his/her beginning in the world of matter. As part of the continuing spectrum, at the time of physical withdrawal or death, he dies to the world of limitation and returns back to the world of spirit from whence he came and the freedom it offers.
When an individual focuses their consciousness on ‘form’ and identifies almost completely with the principle of death or limitation, he/she interprets freedom from physical life as death. However, as the individual evolves, his consciousness increasingly shifts into that which is not form and more into the world of the abstract or spirit. This is achieved through meditation when the individual begins to use the mind, a reflection of the Will aspect. This conditions the personality and provides an entrance into the world of the soul, bringing into view the full purpose of the soul resulting in the overcoming of the fear of death.
Death for the average person is a catastrophic experience filled with dread and fear. It conjures up thoughts of leaving a warm, loving, lighted room and being dragged kicking and screaming into a lonely, cold, dark room, hoping for the best but having no assurance of anything.
What is forgotten however is that every night during the hours of sleep we die to the physical plane while alive and functioning on other planes. This is because we have achieved the ability and have the facility to leave the physical body. However, because most are unable to consciously bring back the recollections from the interval and active living before coming back into the body, they are unable to relate sleep and death.
Death, in essence is only a longer period of sleep between the physical plane. In sleep, the magnetic thread or current of energy through which the life force is connected to the body is preserved intact and constitutes the path of return to the body. In death, this life thread is severed or broken and the conscious individual cannot return to the physical body. Lacking the principle of coherence, the physical body then disintegrates. This happens in accordance with the will and purpose of the soul.
In the body, the life current differentiates into two threads and is anchored in two locations. They are anchored in the body as follows:
- The soul thread is anchored or seated in the brain in the region of the pineal gland. This makes the individual an intelligent, rational entity; self-conscious and self-directing and makes him aware of the world in which he lives according to the place he has reached in his evolution. The development of this mechanism in the three areas of cerebro-spinal, sympathetic and peripheral nervous system and endocrine also helps greatly to facilitate his functioning in the world as a conscious entity.
- The second aspect of the soul is anchored in the heart and is responsible for the animation of every atom in the body and constitutes the principle of coherence or integration. The soul aspect is the life principle; the principle of determination; the central nucleus of positive energy by which all the atoms of the body are held in their right place and are all subordinated to the Will of the soul. This life principle uses the blood stream as its mode of expression and its controlling agency. Through the close association of the blood stream with the endocrine system, man becomes a conscious, living entity governed by and expressing the purposes of the soul in all the activities of human living.
Death is, therefore, the withdrawal from the heart and the head of these two streams of energy. Withdrawal of these two streams of energy produces a complete loss of consciousness and disintegration of the body. Death is different from sleep in that both streams of energy are withdrawn. The two threads are then unified in the one life thread. When this happens the individual becomes unconscious and his focus and awareness is elsewhere and no longer toward the tangible physical.
What might not be widely known is that there is that the human body has an underlying, interpenetrating vital body which is the counterpart to the physical body and is even larger than the physical body. This is called the etheric body or etheric double. It is an energy body composed of force centers and force threads called nadis. These are the counterparts to the nervous apparatus in the physical body, the nerves and nerve ganglia. There are two places in the human vital body where there are orifices or openings for the exit of the life force. One opening is in the solar plexus and the other is in the brain, at the top of the head. A closely woven web of etheric matter composed of interlacing strands of life energy cover theses orifices. In the process of death, the pressure of the life energy beating against the web produces a puncturing or, eventually, an opening. Depending on the point of evolution of the entity, he will exit through either the solar plexus or the top of the head. The more evolved, rational thinking being, exits through the top of the head.
Physical death occurs through four stages:
- Withdrawal from the dense physical body
- Withdrawal from the etheric body
- Vacating the astral or emotional body
- Finally the leaving of the mental body
The goal of the Masters of Wisdom is for all humans to die consciously by linking the physical and astral planes such that both will constitute one plane. This linking of the two planes— physical and emotional, offers the opportunity to achieve a greater understanding of one’s sojourn on this planet.
The following explains how an individual makes his/her transition to the other side:
- Exit through the head is by the intellectual type, by the disciples, and the initiates of the world.
- Exit through the heart is used by the kindly well-meaning who is a good citizen and intelligent friend and a philanthropic worker.
- Exit through the region of the solar plexus used by the emotional, unintelligent, unthinking individual and by those whose animal nature is strong.
Death, like birth, is a symbolic beginning
New information is increasingly becoming available about the process of death leading to a greater understanding of the death and dying process. There is a technique and training for dying that should be learned during one’s life which will lead to ‘conscious’ dying.
The Masters of Wisdom who have guided humanity across the centuries are now preparing humanity for the next step that will enable individuals to move to the next step in the evolution of his consciousness in which there will be a continuity of consciousness and the fear and terror of death will be overcome.
LVX—May Light Be Extended Upon You!
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