The Star Sirius…

The Star, Sirius… Centuries ago when it seemed the arcane knowledge would be obliterated from the face of the earth, the world’s most renowned sages gathered in Fez, Morocco to create pictorial images to conceal the ancient wisdom teachings from those who sought to permanently erase them.  They knew this most important information needed for […]

The Ancient Destiny of America, Egypt, Akhanaton and the Floating Capstone…

The Floating Capstone… Two hundred and thirty-four years ago the United States of America was born as the  land described by those who laid down the foundation  for this country as: “A light to the world”!   This country is the prototype of the vision held in the mind of the Divine not only for the people […]

The Floating Capstone…

As a tribute to the United States of America on its two hundred and thirty-four years of being the land described by those who laid down the foundation for the country: “A light to the world”!   This country is the prototype of the vision held in the mind of the Divine not only for the people […]