
Initiation Initiation marks the point at which the individual recognizes in fact, and not only in theory, his identity with the Divine Self in which he has his existence. It is a conscious process and not something that happens to you in a wave of euphoria. I have heard many people in the New Age […]

The Price of Gold…

The Rich Will Be Poorer And The Poor Will Be Richer… The statement is referred to often by many religious people and gives credence to their thirst for gold as a way of saying that because they are on the side of holiness and goodness they have been blessed with riches.  Those who struggle under […]

What is Truth…

What Is Truth… Many seem so convinced of their truth and become incensed when others do not agree with them… They think they are absolutely correct… There is an old axiom which reads: “Nothing is ever what it appears to be…” One is also only able to see what he/she has evolved the capacity to […]

The Three Abrahamic Religions…

The Three Abrahamic Religions… Judaism, Islam and Christianity described as the three Abrahamic religions are symbolic of the three strains of humanity and of the three candidates in the Masonic Legend who approach the Gates of Initiation with their bags of gold to offer as their gifts to the Lord in exchange for eternal peace.  […]