The next blog will be my final. In the series of pieces I have written, I have tried to introduce the audience to the Arcane Mysteries. When I speak to people the question always comes up: “What is that?” The next statement I hear from many is: “Why is your writing so heavy”?
I also realize that this group is not accustomed to being mentally challenged and might have been erroneously informed that the mind is dangerous and should not be trusted Basically, one should only feel and should not have to think about spiritual things. This and other statements like these become barriers to humanity’s evolution.
Thirty-seven years ago in 1975 I was directed to write down the title “Understanding Your Choice” as it was a book I would write. I categorically rejected the idea that I would be writing any book since I was not a writer and would have no idea what to write on a topic that seemed at that time to be so abstract.
Twenty-five years later, however, that same presence informed me it was time to write the book. At first I wondered: Which book? However, I quickly recalled the title given to me those many, many years before, which had only flashed into mind every five to ten years.
When I began writing the book, I began to understand why it took 25 years to write it. I needed the first-hand experience of the knowledge of the spiritual journey one must walk in order to be a guide.
One reader describes Understanding Your Choice as 20 books of ancient knowledge combined in one relatively easy to read and accessible volume. Some might contend the book is not that easy, but then again the term “easy” is relative and it depends on the preparation he has afforded himself, giving him the capacity to comprehend the material.
In a conversation with a friend I explained to her that in order for the secrets of life to be reveal to an individual, he has to prove himself worthy. There is a statement written of Isis: “No one lifts the veil of ISIS; When She finds you worthy, she will lift her veil and reveal herself to you”
Many say they want to know Truth but refuse to do what is necessary to have that truth revealed to them. They are not willing to summit themselves to the discipline the soul demands. They, therefore, satisfy themselves with having “so-called” teachers tell them whatever is most expedient and demands little of them.
This information is for those who have struggled against great odds and have proven themselves worthy of the information. The Soul is the only true teacher and demands nothing but everything.
The series of articles of I have written together with the three books:
- Understanding Your Choice
- Unveiling the Secrets of the feminine Principle, and
- The Role of Consciousness in Governance, constitute the body of information necessary for all those who are not just curious but truly desire what might lie beyond of the veil of illusion mankind in which mankind is so immersed.
- The Idea That Is the United States of America, Its Occult Foundation is an expansion of chapter eight of The Role of Consciousness in Governance and is sufficient to begin one’s journey into the into .
My guidance was to make this information accessible both in content and physical availability. This I have done. Those who have acquired these books have done so because they are called to read them. In the future when conditions are more appropriate a larger group will see the necessity of availing themselves of these Ancient Mysteries kept in secret until this Age of Aquarius.
May Light Be Extended Upon You!
For more information check out these books at: or