Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truth; all paradoxes may be reconciled, says the Kabylion.
Enlightenment is the reconciliation of the pairs of opposites without which one stays in separation and illusion.
One cannot examine the whole issue of the pairs of opposites without understanding the role of the planet Mars as a major player. Mars is the planet of destruction; destroying what is outworn and erroneous and no longer needed in one’s life. The Martian forces in the body are not malefic but instead serve to vitalize the bloodstream, purify and stimulate all aspects and organs of the body. This force arouses the whole lower nature in man and brings about the last battle between the personality and the soul as the lower man dies and is reborn on a higher turn of the spiral.
There are three places in the zodiac where Mars features prominently to transform humanity and the planet:
- Aries
- Scorpio
- Capricorn
Mars is the exoteric ruler of Aries and in the sign of Aries, Mars provides three urges. The first is to begin manifestation on the plane of Matter, Earth. This urge symbolizes the urge of mankind to come into form and to begin his long journey through the many stages of development. Secondly, it provides the urge to create both individually and universally because mankind had the need to create something of his own and so the plane of matter offered the most ideal environment in which to do so. Thirdly is Aries’ urge for resurrection. It is this impulse, which allows humanity to first sense the need for the release from form. He feels the weight of matter as being too much to bear and this feeling causes him to want to roll away the heavy “stone” from the entrance to the sepulcher of his soul, so that he might find liberation. Therefore, he made the choice to toward re-orientation and the Path of Return.
When mankind made the choice to incarnate in order to have a physical, emotional and mental experience in form, a cleavage occurred in his mind that set up an illusion of separation. The consequences of this cleavage is the perception of duality which is a mental construct which can only be reversed by a cognitive grasp of the pairs of opposites and their relationship to each other.
The decision was an esoteric one that lays out in symbolic form the journey of man into matter begun under the sign of Aries. He made the “decision” to embark on an adventure of choice to experience more than he knew he could by remaining “home” which for him was a place of safety and ignorance. He decided instead to travel into distant lands which took him to strange and unfamiliar places where he was forced out of his comfort zone to learn things about himself he was incapable of learning any other way.
Mars is the esoteric ruler of Scorpio in which the entity is re-oriented to the soul and onto the Path of Return. This re-orientation is the first of two major crises in this sign. This intelligent man of the world through reason and memory of his ancient beginnings, comes to realize, like the Prodigal Son, he had eaten enough of the husks of life and having exhausted the resources of worldly desires and ambition, says to himself: “I will arise and go home.” At this point the individual experiences a definite re-orientation to his Spirit and passes through the most subtle tests to undergo certain undefinable and spiritual recognitions. These recognitions are from the angle of memory and of the consequences of that memory. This memory is recalled from that of the race of man and of his established and individual subconscious reservoirs of thought and desires which are both inherent and inherited.
The sum total of all his false prides, instinctual tendencies, wrong mental attitudes, fear, cruelty, money, selfishly cornered, hate, sex, physical comfort selfishly appropriated referred to collectively as the “Dweller on the Threshold” are what he must face. They represent the unconquered and un-subdued residue he must overcome in order that initiation can take place. The ancient deficits are numerous and extremely potent and when these personality residues are well established in the individual he becomes “The Dweller” wanting to keep the personality in separation. The struggles and the tests come as the aspirant is engrossed in the light and glory of his own soul referred to as “The Angel of the Presence”. These tests and trials are self-initiated and put him in a positive conditioning space where all defects of personality rise to the surface. In Scorpio, the sign of Triumph, the individual emerges as a result of the struggle and victory as a whole divine man, though not yet perfected, emerges. When “The Dweller on the Threshold” stands face to face with the Angel of the Presence, something occurs. The light of the personal self fades and wanes in the blaze of glory which emanates from the Angel of the Presence. The greater glory obliterates the lesser. This can only occur when the personality recognizes itself as the Dweller and enters into a conscious relationship with “The Angel” as someone who desires nothing else but liberation from the bondage of ignorance.
He comes face to face in Scorpio with the desires of its polar opposite, Taurus and his desires are transmuted into aspiration. The individual now turns his direction from matter to the attention of the Soul.
Scorpio rules death and inheritance. The Scorpio region of the body is also the sexual region. The sexual force in the body when re-oriented and re-directed is essential in the achievement of spiritual liberation and the reconciliation of the pairs of opposites. This same force aids in the opening up of the centers in the brain which is responsible for the individual to achieve the inner “sight” of the mind enabling him/her to bring together the pairs of opposites and to be able to see the relationship and association between them. He is now able to see for the first time and comes to the conclusion that all pairs of opposites as only two aspects of one thing and are not in fact antagonistic to each other.
The blood and the bloodstream are the agencies through which the elements of consciousness are transported throughout the body to not only vitalize but to transform the aspirant.
Death to separation occurs and his entrance into a more expanded life begins. If there was no death, the process of evolution could not occur.
After the blood and death themes play themselves out; the dire testing; trials; the individual conflict; the consciousness of the misery of existence all brought about by the combined influences of Scorpio, the individual is now re-oriented toward the second-birth.
The planet Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn which is one of the most important signs of the zodiac. The sign of Capricorn is that of the second-birth.
The individual who was re-oriented under the influence of Scorpio and with a one-pointed focused direction facilitated by the energies of Sagittarius, he begins his steep ascent to the mountain-top of spiritual attainment symbolized by the mountain-goat of Capricorn.
Capricorn is the birthplace of the Christ. This is where mankind emerges from the fourth kingdom of Homo Sapiens into the fifth kingdom of Homo Spiritualis or as God-Man. Capricorn opens the door into the Hierarchy of Beings.
Capricorn is an earth sign and is where we find the densest point of concrete materialization of which the human soul is capable. In this regard, Capricorn holds within it the seeds of death and finality. When the crystallization of matter has reached a certain degree of density and hardness it is easily shattered and destroyed. In this way man who is born out of the dust of the earth and is fundamentally materialistic, coupled with the blows of fate, brings about his own destruction.
Capricorn being ever the sign of finality, conclusions and the mountain top therefore marks the point at which no further ascent can be achieved in a particular life cycle. The individual comes to realize that progress is impossible under the current conditions of material density. This necessitates his decent into the valley of pain, despair and death before he begins anew to scale the heights and conquer them; the grandeur will remain but this time matter will be beneath his feet and by extension, that of humanity’s. The Capricorn individual is symbolic of humanity as a whole and it is the plan that as a consequence of the above, a new cycle of effort is initiated. The Capricorn struggles, strains and fights with the forces of the underworld are representative of the Capricorn experience.
At one time in the distant past, Capricorn was the last sign of the zodiac. The last two signs of Aquarius and Pisces were added because when mankind was able to respond to their peculiar influences. Prior to this, the personality vehicles of contact and mechanisms for response in humanity were not sufficiently developed.
Mankind is now responding the respective influences of the Aquarian World Server and the Pisces World Saviour. There are now enough souls who have attained initiation to facilitate mankind’s liberation from ignorance. With matter under his feet, and the reconciliation of the pairs of opposites:
- Fertility and Sterility
- Peace and Strife
- Grace and Sin
- Life and Death
- Wealth and Poverty
- Wisdom and Folly
- Dominion and Slavery,
Large numbers of mankind have joined the hierarchy of souls who can now step forward to be vehicles of transmission of light and power to those coming up the ladder of spiritual attainment.
Humanity, governed by the sign of Cancer which is the polar opposite of Capricorn, is now in a state of turmoil prior to a great step forward taking place and is the expression of a sense of responsibility which marks the first flower and fruit in self-conscious unfoldment. This is responsible for the sweeping conflict in such a pronounced way. We are at a great turning point. I wish for you that you make the decision to enter upon the reverse path, consciously!
May Light Be Extended Upon You-LVX!
For more information on this information please check out: Unveiling the Secrets of the Feminine Principle; The Role of Consciousness in Governance; Understanding Your Choice and The Idea That is The United States of America- Its Occult Foundation at: www.ancientmysterybooks.com
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