The Path to Jerusalem through the Desert…
The Fama Fraternatis, a German Manifesto written in 1610 in Europe, tells the story of a German lad of five years of age on his journey to Spiritual Jerusalem, a city known as the Abode of Peace where separation ends…
This lad is symbolic of mankind who embarked on a journey a long, long time ago…
A spiritual journey, from the East, symbolic of enlightenment, to the West in search of knowledge through experience, to finally return to the East, transformed…
The traveler is five years old…
His age is representative of the Fifth Life Wave and the five senses through which mankind gains knowledge and makes meaning of this life experiences, on the plane of matter
Many see the East and the Eastern philosophies as “spiritual’ while the Western philosophies as not spiritual. This is a gross error in thinking!
There can be no East without West; no Mountain without Valley, no Masculine without Feminine and each has equal value in the curriculum of Earth and man’s illumination.
Keep in mind that the stops on this lad’s journey are less about geography and more about symbolisms…
The Fama describes the young man as being in poverty though of German nobility, an allusion in part, to the fact that though he had all the trappings of material wealth, he recognized he was in spiritual poverty!
This decision to undertake this journey is akin to the Prodigal Son who left the palace with all the wealth and access and embarked on a similar journey into distant lands in which he squandered the portion of riches given to him by his Father; then after coming to himself returned home to greater glory than he had before….
This young lad, though an adult in number of years, is described as a lad because of the change that would occur in him…
Recognizing that though he thought he knew everything, he finally came to the realization that he knew nothing regarding the things that really mattered. He was jolted into the awareness that unless he emptied himself all he thought he knew, so he could be taught by his soul the divine principles, he was doomed to a life of misery, and with no lasting peace…
This is a very important and sobering recognition for anyone who would embark on this journey, and very few are they who reverse their path and turn their faces toward Jerusalem…
This all important journey from West to East is one taken across the desert under the influence of the High Priestess described as the Chief Elder of the Temple, and the Keeper of the occult secrets of Life…
To the High Priestess is attributed the “Intelligence of Unity” and it is She who, associated with Memory, connects man-to-man and nation-to-nation and is guides humanity Home….
She is symbolized by the Camel who is described as the “Ship of the Dessert” which transports both goods and humans to connect with their brothers and sisters across vast areas of the desert to centers of civilization, trade and learning…
In these places people not only traded but shared ideas and exchange stories making for a better understanding of different peoples in distant lands.
The High Priestess knows the absolute necessity of connecting with those with whom we have been estranged, providing the opportunity to remember aspects of our own nature.
She is portrayed as holding a scroll or book which contains the seven laws which provide the foundation on which all life is created and sustained.
She knows that contrary to the evidence the eyes provide, which reports that everything ones sees appear to be dis-connected from, and un-related to anything that does not appear similar, this is not truth…
But that All things are One and of the One…
When the inner eye of the mind is opened, the mind of pure reason reveals the connectedness of all things in nature in all four kingdoms, and this is the purpose for the traveller’s journey…
Before beginning the journey the young lad was put in a cloister by reason of his poverty, a term associated with bondage and limitation and always precedes the work of liberation.
This conscious journey informs the mind of the role of the personality as a vehicle through which the divine idea and purpose for his life manifests; and must be re-conditioned in such a manner as to be make it capable of carrying out that purpose to full expression in that life-time…
What is being cloistered is his “free spirit” which, though free in it-self, assumes the burden of apparent limitation imposed by incarnation into a human personality….
Living and participating in the five-sensed, three-dimensional world of separation and illusion, though evil has its purpose of informing the mind; the danger is continuing to live in that world of illusion…
While in the cloister our young lad is required to become proficient in the Greek and Latin tongues, references to Philosophy and Science, respectively, and without which he would not be able to receive the higher education which leads to the development of the mind.
When the young lad of five emerged from the cloister he was fifteen years old and the superconscious Will of the Father now stirs within him and strengthens his desire and a longing for higher things…
With this preparation in the cloister, he is even more intent on making his way back to the Holy Land…
By being in the cloister, he has now left the world of five-sense reality which gives the individual the perception that the many-ness of all the human personalities is separate from his true Self, and his fellow-men…
As long as this illusion of separation existed, the lad is in poverty…
He has attained a certain measure of wisdom, and the Scorpio energies are now stirred within this adolescent who is representative of the Spiritual Man at the beginning of his transformation
With the reversal of the sexual energies in his body he has firmly embarked on the Path of Return…
His higher education involved the study of occult philosophy and science and were taught to him in the language of “Arabic”, the language of Initiation.
While in the cloister he learned the value Pythagoras placed on education and was made aware that if one would seek his instruction, he demanded the study of mathematics, music and astronomy as prerequisites.
In Cyprus he died…
This death was, of course, spiritual death or transmutation…
Cyprus the most eastern island on the Mediterranean Sea is known to be the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite, the Syrian goddess Ishtar and Venus…
Here he learns the secrets of both the Heart, the Sun center in the body as the radiating intelligence, and of the Venus or Voice Center in the Throat…
By the time he reaches Damascus he is sixteen and the physical transformations of puberty are completed…
Here he encounters the friendliness of the Turks who prepares him for the cleansing of his physical body which produces a change in the chemistry of the blood and of certain areas of the brain, in preparation for initiation…
The perfection of the body involves the physical work of initiation and is based on occult mathematics and the geometrical proportions that govern the manifestation of all forms in nature…
The control of the forces, which includes the chemistry in the body, is the work of occult medicine and is responsible for the awakenings in the body
This same stage of development is now taking place by the largest number in the history of humanity…
Without the cleansing of his thought, act, word and deed, his journey might indeed end in Damascus…
In Damascus he encounters the Wise Men of Arabia who helps in the development of his inner hearing and inner sight.
This intense work in Damascus lasted three years…
He is now nineteen years old and a child-like spirit characterizes him…
A state in which the masculine and feminine forces within him are now in perfect balance and he is clear about his relationship with the Source…
He has turned his back on the limitations of the five-sense reality and embodies a regenerated personality vehicle through which the radiant energy of the Sun expresses permanently…
The journey from Damascus to Egypt was by way of the Arabian Gulf…
With his spiritual maturity and wisdom, at the magical age of twenty, it is now time to go down into Egypt to have an experience in the subconscious realms; to encounter the allures of the underworld and to be tempted and tested with what is described as the mysterious powers…
Pythagoras, Jesus, Joseph and all those who have reached Jerusalem in the past have made a required stop in Egypt…
A stop everyone on the path of enlightenment must make and a pre-requisite to reaching the Holy Land…
The subconscious powers must come to the surface and to full consciousness. One is warned not to tarry long in Egypt and to become snarled by the splendors of the lower astral plane. With the wisdom gained he did not either so his stay in Egypt was brief…
Having left Egypt, he sailed west across the entire Mediterranean Sea to Fez, Morocco, considered in the fourteenth century as the intellectual center of the world and corresponds to the alchemical powers associated with Hermes or Thoth
It is said that those in Fez excelled in the Hermetic Sciences of medicine, mathematics and music…
In Fez our traveler learnt that though the study of Biology, Mathematics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics and all of other sciences are great but that knowledge of facts is not wisdom…
And that misinterpretation of facts, leave humanity sick both physically and spiritually…
Occult science requires that scientists read from the Book of Nature and first understand her Laws in order to make correct translations…
Many scientists confess they grope in darkness because they have not studied the Book of Nature to understand her secrets…
After two years in Fez and at the age of twenty-two, the number of the circumference of a circle, and the completion of a cycle of manifestation, the full powers of his Higher Self is ready to be manifested through his regenerated personality vehicle; and the distinguishing marks of this renewed individual are compassion and tenderness …
At this magical age of twenty-two he can now be called a “Citizen of Heaven.” He has completed the twenty-two paths of wisdom and he draws no attention to himself. He has also learnt that those with whom he desires to share the knowledge he now possesses must have the capacity to receive it.
Having completed the perfect habitation which is own perfected temple, the body of an adept, this brings him into the company of the Master Builders with Hiram Abiff and with Jesus the Carpenter…
In this new “house” of his, he spends five years in reflection and rumination. In this state he contemplates with great compassion and sympathy the errors of the unenlightened and the consequences of those errors. He is representative of the many men and women who are like God, and have a deep love for the world and work without ceasing for the regeneration of the human race.
At twenty-seven, which is the third cubical number, he, with this group of Master Builders builds a new and fitting habitation, not for themselves this time but a meeting place for the emerging group of regenerated humanity growing exponentially at this time and who are hidden from the wicked…
The characteristics that mark these Builders are they have great imagination and have a clear understanding of the problems of humanity. They are gifted in expression, and are true initiates who walk with “god” like Enoch did; they are silent in the face of criticism; silent before enemies of the work and those who are unprepared; silent when the silly ignorance of others tempts him to speak when to speak would do no good…
They know the wisdom of being silent while others speak; and to speak when others keep silent…
The number of the original Builders is Eight, the second cubical number…
The number of the Cube is a reference to the cubical Holy of Holies and the cubical New Jerusalem…
There is nothing admiral about belonging to a group of thinkers who are no more than a mutual admiration society…
The work of Him who is imbued with the Life-Giving Spirit of Truth has never been for their liberation as an Initiate, but to be a center of illumination to the world as a whole, and to those who come within his sphere of influence
However their light can only be received by those who are ready, and put themselves in a position to receive it…
This knowledge remains hidden out of compassion for those whose minds are unprepared to grasp the real meanings of the inner secrets of life…
L.V.X. — May Light Be Extended Upon You!
For more information “Unveiling the Secrets of the Feminine Principle” is recommended at